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柿酢 Persimmon vinegar

I tried to make persimmon vinegar. This is 2nd time. The last photo shows the condition passed about 1 month. I must wait more than 2 months untill tasting vinegar.


Posted by ナカ at 16:04Comments(0)野菜つくりAgriculture


年越し蕎麦打ち Buckwheat noodles eaten on New Year's Eve

It became an old story. Though, it was only less than 2 weeks passed from 31st of Dec.
I stopped to make Buckwheat noodles (Soba) at my house because my granddaughter was found to be allergic to buckwheat.
And then, I used to make buckwheat noodles at near group home and let the people please to eat it together.
I made buckwheat noodles with 4kg with Soba-ko and Wari-ko and so, it was for about 50 people.



野菜の収穫 Harvesting vegetables

We(my wife & myself) send Satoimo, Green Onion, White Radish, etc. to my sisters & brother and others as usual every year. I worried the growth of Satoimo but they were so so good. Usually, it was a little too late. I kept the other Satoimo covering with soil and sheet for the seed of Satoimo next year. I will try to ask the know how for sprouting to professional farmaers.

I harvested FuyuKaki(Persimmon). Too much ripened?

Chinese cabbage, Cabbage, Broccoli


Posted by ナカ at 14:04Comments(0)野菜つくりAgriculture


漬物大根 White Radish for Pickles

The time had come to make pickles today. I arranged the materials for the pickeles.
The main is White Radishes. They were dried at about 70%. How kolograms are they though I digged more than 100 pieces?
And, Rice Bran, Salt, Dried leaf of eggplant, Ripened Persimons, Dried Cayenne Pepper, Jyougen, Tabs, Vinyl Bags, Rubber Bands, Scale, Are they all?

Next, setting the white radishes, and spreadding persimon.

At last, 6 tabs and 60~70 Kg there are.


Posted by ナカ at 22:35Comments(0)野菜つくりAgriculture


漬物大根 White Radish for Pickles

The 3rd story! I washed and dried rather small and many legs white radishes. I worry the dried condition because of their different size.


Posted by ナカ at 16:24Comments(0)野菜つくりAgriculture


漬物大根 White Radish for Pickles

Continueing from 23rd. I hung the white radish washed with my daughter though their size is the middle to the big. There are 120 pieces, aren't they? And there are a little smaller than the middle white radish in the barrels at left side in the picture. I will wash them when it clears.


Posted by ナカ at 16:33Comments(0)野菜つくりAgriculture


漬物大根 White Radish for Pickles

I harvested white radish for pickles, today 23rd Nov. same as last year. I tried to devide them in 3 classes. The smallest one is not suitable for eating. I was keeping to work from 9:00 to 5:00 PM, but never finished! The middle one is in 3 barrels.
Here we go! The making show for white radish pickles will start!


Posted by ナカ at 23:26Comments(0)野菜つくりAgriculture


玉ねぎの苗 Young Onion

I planted young onions yesterday. There are about 300 pieces, aren't there! I bought 2 packs of seed onion and almost of them garninated. But last year, half of them were damaged though I don't know the reason. Well, here we go!!!


Posted by ナカ at 11:34Comments(0)野菜つくりAgriculture


干し柿作成 Dried Persimmons

I will run my blog after 2 months silence. I was absent because of my a lot of busy. I will try again!
Yesterday, my wife made dried persimmons. They are called "Hyaku-Me no Hoshi- Gaki". My wife insist on calling as "Fumi-chan Hoshi-Gaki".
It's early to ripen this year and at last, the almost half persimmons on a tree are gooey. 54 pieces this year though 100 last year.


Posted by ナカ at 13:57Comments(0)野菜つくりAgriculture


大根の種蒔き Seeding of Japanese white radish

It has been quite a long time since I made a little work at my field before. I rushed to seed Japanese white radish in the interrvals between clear time in Autum rainy time. When seeding, to seed a few at one place and help one another until 2 leaves come out. It is good for growth of root to pick up without most vigorous one. This time, I tried to seed keeping this idea faithfully. I seeded Japanese white radish for pickled Japanese white radish at 270 holes ×3 pieces. And, at more than 130 holes × 3 pieces for usual Japanese white radish. When finished, it started to rain. It was a good timing seeding.


Posted by ナカ at 21:14Comments(4)野菜つくりAgriculture